Judy Nixon

I'm 62 years old. Retired letter carrier. Been hitting the gym since I'm 18 years old. I still feel great!


Placed 14th

in the Quarter-Finals

We would like to thank you for supporting Judy Nixon in this year's competition. Your support helps us contribute to the National Breast Cancer Foundation who provides early detection, education, and support services to those affected by breast cancer.


What is Fab Over 40?

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What do you love about being over 40?

The thing I really love about being over 40 is not caring what people think. I have so much more confidence than I had in my twenties! Even thirties! Being older really makes me appreciate life more.

How do you stay fabulous?

Well I get plenty of sleep. I drink about a gallon of water a day. I work out 5 days a week. I meditate. I eat mostly clean. Rarely drink and I've never smoked. I always treat people with kindness and respect everywhere I go. Im a Caregiver part time for a wonderful man with cerebral palsey and it really taught me to be grateful for every moment of my life.

What would you do with the $40,000?

Well my son and his girlfriend want to get married in a few years. He is trying to pay off his student loan before the wedding. He is working 2 jobs right now. I would love to help pay off his loan. Also I would pay off my credit cards!!!!😝

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Colossal is a nationally registered professional fundraiser that inspires people to advocate for themselves and those in need. Through online competitions like Fab Over 40, Colossal offers participants the opportunity to make their mark while also making a big impact.