I am 55, breast cancer & trauma survivor & therapist and lover of Life and Healing. In Service to Love & Embodied Health.
We would like to thank you for supporting Anni in this year's competition. Your support helps us contribute to the National Breast Cancer Foundation who provides early detection, education, and support services to those affected by breast cancer.
I have been faced with many initiations inviting me to fully become embodied and live with heart and meaning. Some of these anchors include my amazing life partner of 25 years and our wonderful family and loving community. I also love that I don't take myself too seriously! I love to laugh, sing, plant seeds of beauty and Joy as well as have increased capacity to navigate Life's challenges with courage and authenticity.
How do you stay fabulous?I think that what is really fabulous is the Gift of life and the opportunity to embrace it all. I think my gratitude, joie de vivre and deep love of life nourish and anchor me to live everyday as a gift "wrapped around the heart of wonder" as one of my favorite Mystics John O'Donohue once said. I also would like to highlight how all the support I have received from my family and community are such blessings that continue to contribute to my quality of life.
What would you do with the $40,000?I would enjoy a really fun vacation with a beloved and also contribute to pay off debt and continue to enjoy the incredible gift of Life and continue to devote time to all the ways I love to express my gratitude and love of life. Some of these contributions would include continuing to develop my counseling practice to host customized healing retreats for trauma survivors as well as devote more time to sing in my local choir and develop my own music further.
Colossal is a nationally registered professional fundraiser that inspires people to advocate for themselves and those in need. Through online competitions like Fab Over 40, Colossal offers participants the opportunity to make their mark while also making a big impact.