I was a teen mom struggling with her weight. I had 3 children by the age of 21. I tried everything but didn’t worked until finally I got
We would like to thank you for supporting Eve in this year's competition. Your support helps us contribute to the National Breast Cancer Foundation who provides early detection, education, and support services to those affected by breast cancer.
I am grateful for life in general. One year more is actually one year less. I've lost many love ones along the way. Life is a beautiful blessing. Especially over 40 is a great stage where you have accomplished many goals but your also ready to set more goals. My kids are all young adults living all at hone from ages 24 to 18. I feel I can possibly go back to school or start a new business.
How do you stay fabulous?I eat less. I take lots of minerals and vitamins. I use a lot of essential oils. I also cook with olive oil. I also do homeopathic drops. I read positive books. I take deep breaths. I enjoy my patio. I am Very positive and try to stay that way. I avoid all negative news and media. My circle is small and my support system is strong and is everything to me.
What would you do with the $40,000?Help Pay for my 3 kids collage and Buy myself a new car. I share my car with my daughter and it's challenging but we make it work. I would give her my car meanwhile she graduates trade school and saves up for her car.
Colossal is a nationally registered professional fundraiser that inspires people to advocate for themselves and those in need. Through online competitions like Fab Over 40, Colossal offers participants the opportunity to make their mark while also making a big impact.